GFA 2024 Scholarship Due March 1
The Georgia Foundation for Agriculture (GFA) provides students with opportunities to pursue agriculture-related courses of study. For the 2024 cycle, GFA is offering $65,000 in scholarships. These applications are due March 1, 2024. You can find the full requirements and begin the application process at
GFA offers the following scholarships:
Scholarship for Agriculture: Awards 10 high school seniors $3000 each plus a $1500 bonus to the top two applicants.
Rising College Jr./Sr. Scholarship: 8 scholarships for college students of $2000 each.
Technical College Scholarship: Awards 4 technical college students $1500 each.
UGA College of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship: Specifically for students studying to be food animal veterinarians, this grants 2 scholars $5000 each.