Flint District Selected to Lead Innovative Project


Albany, Georgia – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) recently announced awards for the 2017 cycle of funding for the Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) Program. The Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District, based in southwest Georgia, will lead one of 33 projects selected nationwide for funding. CIG is a competitive grant program administered by NRCS that advances the development and implementation of conservation-driven technologies and practices.

Our goal as a conservation district is to be at the forefront of cutting-edge approaches to natural resource challenges. We have made significant improvements in water use efficiency in the last 20 years by working with partners to develop innovative solutions.
— Marty McLendon, District Chairman

The Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District, through this project, will demonstrate the viability of a comprehensive precision irrigation system in the southeastern coastal plain. The system will integrate multiple technological components to create a holistic, transferable smart irrigation system to maximize agricultural production and minimize off-site impacts to natural resources. Project sites will be located on fields in southwest Georgia, southeast Alabama, and northwest Florida. The project team, led by the District and NRCS, includes the University of Georgia, Auburn University, USDA National Peanut Research Lab, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, and local agricultural producers.

This year’s proposals gave us some great options to pick from, and as a result of these partnering groups’ leadership, our producers are going to be better equipped to handle the challenges of growing our food and fiber.
— Terrance O. Rudolph, NRCS Georgia state conservationist

The mission of conservation districts throughout Georgia and across the country is to further the conservation, restoration, and protection of natural resources. The Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District, one of forty districts statewide, is committed to leading conservation efforts on a local and regional scale.


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