GACD Scholarship Recipient - Virgil Simmons

Press Release

March 23, 2023

Virgil Simmons of Early County Named

GACD Scholarship Recipient

The Georgia Association of Conservation Districts (GACD) is pleased to announce their 2023 Scholarship recipient is Virgil Simmons of Blakely, GA. Virgil is currently a senior at Pataula Charter Academy and is enrolled in college courses through dual enrollment at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC). He will graduate high school in May and plans to continue his studies at ABAC in Environmental Engineering.

To encourage study and careers in soil and water conservation-related fields, GACD administers one $1,000 scholarship each year.  The scholarship is given to students majoring in, or intending to major in, a soil and water conservation-related area.  Acceptable areas of study include but are not limited to, agricultural education, agronomy, horticulture, plant pathology, and agricultural communications.


The mission of GACD is to advocate for the conservation of Georgia’s natural resources by providing organization, leadership, and a unified strategic direction to the state's Conservation Districts. For more information on GACD or to explore opportunities on how you can support our efforts, please visit us online at or on Facebook @GACDConserve.



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