Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District Partners with Golden Peanut for Re:Generations Program Expansion into the Southeast

Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Golden Peanut, the Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District (FRSWCD) and Farmers Business Network (FBN) have partnered to expand ADM’s Re:GenerationsÔ program into the southeast through peanut and soybean crop production.

“We are excited to launch this program and support farmers in accelerating sustainability efforts by offering payments and technical assistance for regenerative agriculture practices that have positive impacts on the environment,” says Blair Hillen, Golden Peanut General Manager for US Peanut Shelling. “FRSWCD and FBN are ideal partners in this effort given their experience and deep expertise in these regenerative ag practices and impacts. We look forward to collaborating with both organizations and our farmer partners to do good for the farm, the consumer, and the planet.”

Farmers who deliver soybeans and/or peanuts to ADM/ Golden Peanut suppliers and/or buying points are eligible to enroll in the program, which directly compensates farmers for climate smart practices in their production system.

“We know that farmers are already implementing many practices to improve soil health, increase efficiencies, and incorporate cutting edge technologies on their farms,” says Marty McLendon, Chairman of the FRSWCD. “We’re really excited about this opportunity to work with ADM/ Golden Peanut to expand this program, which will continue to push the needle of sustainability forward and compliments our own Peanut Sustainability initiative so well. It’s really a win-win-win for farmers, industry, and consumers.”

Climate smart practices that are eligible for compensation include cover cropping, change to a no-till system, or a combination of the two. In addition, various sustainability practices—such as fertilization practices, precision agriculture, and more—will be measured to gauge the farm’s emissions score. The farm’s emissions score will be compared to area averages, and lower scores will achieve higher compensation payments.

Interested farmers will participate in an initial enrollment survey and enter into a contract with ADM/ Golden Peanut, conduct a consultation with FRSWCD-- the technical assistance partner-- as well as a data collection survey with FBN.

After crop delivery to ADM/ Golden Peanut suppliers and/or buying points and final data collection, payments for climate smart practices will be made to growers.

The deadline for enrollment is December 16, 2022 and farmers must not be a part of any other private regenerative ag program, although other conservation programs such as EQIP, CSP, and CRP are acceptable.

For program questions, or for consultation on expected payments and qualifications, contact Blair Hillen. blair.hillen@goldenpeanut.com

Office: 770-752-8203  

Cell: 803-289-8023

The Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District is comprised of farmers, landowners, and community leaders that are dedicated to the conservation, wise use, and protection of natural resources in the Flint River Basin. Learn more about the District at flintriverswcd.org.  


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