Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District Announces Winners of the 2020 Stewardship Week Poster Contest
The Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District is pleased to announce the winners of the 65th annual Stewardship Week Poster Contest. Each spring the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) selects a theme to celebrate Stewardship Week, which promotes the importance of individuals conserving natural resources This year’s theme, “Where would we BEE without Pollinators?” allowed students to explore the environmental and agricultural benefits of pollinators.
“Through artful expression, the participants of the "Where Would We Bee Without Pollinators?" poster contest gained a greater knowledge of the significance of pollinators to our ecosystems, as well as the importance of protecting their habitat,” says Education Outreach Coordinator, Abby Davis.
Maryanna Chitty from Pataula Charter Academy in Calhoun County was named the overall winner. First place honors were awarded to Jake Peavy, also from Pataula Charter Academy. Jaleya Finch from Miller County won second place and Hudson Wilemon of Jones Wheat Elementary in Decatur County received third place. Camden Wilemon, Jones Wheat Elementary student, and Jalyk Finch, Miller County Elementary student, received honorable mention.
Poster designed by Maryanna Chitty from Pataula Charter Academy in Calhoun County. Maryanna’s poster will advance to the state poser contest hosted by the Georgia Association of Conservation Districts.
Winners, which were selected through a blind voting process by the FRSWCD Board of Supervisors, will receive cash prizes.Congratulations to the students for their success and participation in the 2020 Stewardship Poster Contest.
The Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District’s overall winning poster entry from Maryanna Chitty will now advance to the state competition where the entry will be judged with other poster submissions from across Georgia. Posters from designated age groups will be evaluated on conservation message, visual effectiveness, originality, and universal appeal.
Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District partners with schools and organizations to provide helpful conservation and natural resource learning materials and opportunities for youth across southwest Georgia. Among the opportunities sponsored by FRSWCD is the poster contest that was available to 1st through 5thgrade students from counties within the District. These counties include Baker, Calhoun, Decatur, Dougherty, Early, Grady, Miller, Mitchell and Seminole.
The Flint River Soil and Water Conservation District is comprised of farmers, landowners, and community leaders that are dedicated to the conservation, wise use, and protection of natural resources in the Flint River Basin. Learn more about the District at flintriverswcd.org.